Since the format contract production and the development have been one of 20th century contracts law development main symbols, 19th century intermediate stages, follows the technical rapid development, the social economy is appearing rapidly soared, specially expends the domain and the public utilities is the ten thousand miles in a day. Along with the our country socialist market economy development rapidly, specially joins WTO, the format contract by its own value and the characteristic, is applied to social economy each domain, has the scholar even to think the format contract accounts for modern market economy developed country all quantities 99%, now becomes the main contract form, some scholars called "we live in the format contract world". The use of format contract, not only is advantageous to saving time, the funds, reduces the transaction cost, beforehand allocate the contract risk, moreover may estimate the production cost promotion enterprise"s rationalization management, for is really advantageous to the general consumers. But, our country contract law although has the stipulation to the format provision, but still needed to consummate. How consummates our country format provision system, is worth pondering. The analysis research the value of format contract, formulates to the format contract maintenance policy, carries on the synthesis regulation, defends the justice, safeguards the consumer which is at the small and weak position, is our country legislative work arduous task role, also is carries on the discussion to the format contract value and the just safeguarding the significance to be at. This article unifies our country format contract the legislation practice, has discussed its value and the insufficiency with emphasis, and proposed carries on the just safeguarding to the format contract several recommendations, in order to the full display format contract greatest value, is the society creates the highest profit, avoids consumer"s benefit receiving the harm, causes business both sides under as far as possible the fair conditions the transaction......
Key words:format contract, value, just safeguarding
目 录
Abstract and key word···············································Ⅱ
一、格式合同相关问题研究 ··········································1
(一)格式合同的优点 ··············································7
(二)格式合同的缺点 ··············································8
(三)霸王条款存在原因的经济分析 ···································16
(四)霸王条款的规制 ··············································18
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