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发布时间:2022-02-21 15:35:47 浏览数:



中图分类号:TV68;TV312 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0006-05

Fluid-Structure Dynamic Coupling for a Large Aqueduct

ZHANG Lin-rang1,WU Jie-fang1,CHEN Min-zhong1,YIN Gao-qiang2

(1.Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010;

2.Central Southern China Power Design Institute,Wuhan 430071,China)

Abstract:For the box-shape aqueduct crossing the Yellow River in the South-North Water Projece,a large scaled hydro-elastic model was fabricated for studying the dynamic coupling between the wall of aqueduct and the water in it.The model was put on the shaker and excited by harmonic or earthquake wave,some results were obtained and compared with the analytical ones based on Housner model.The results show the dynamic coupling between the elastic wall and the water has great effect on the dynamic properties,the displacement and the stress of aqueduct structure and on the dynamic water pressure,The dynamic pressure on the wall of aqueduct is much greater than that by Housner""s method.The dynamic pressure on the wall induced by the surging wave of water in the aqueduct is very small.A modification suggestion about the Housner model in the seismic analysis of the aqueduct is proposed.

Key words:aqueduct;hydro elastic model;fluid-structure coupling;dynamic pressure;surging wave of water


[1]Jae Kwan,Hyun Moo Koh.Im Jong kwahk Dynamic Response of Rectangular Flexible Fluid Containers[J].Engineering Mechanics,9,1996.






     相关热词搜索: 渡槽 南水北调 耦合 效应 水利
