中图分类号:TV41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0124-04
Mix Proportion Design of High Strength Concrete and Its Alkali Content Controlled Measures of PCCP
JI Guo-jin1,JIANG Jia-lin2,GUO Yong-feng3,LU Yi-hui1
(1.Department of Structure and Materials,China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China;
2.Beijing Engineering Construction Management Centre of the South-to-North Water Transfer,Beijing,100072,China;
3.The Administration Bureau of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer,Beijing,100053,China;)
Abstract:The strength design grade of PCCP(prestressed concrete cylinder pipe)concrete in South-to-North Water Transfer Project is C50、C55、C60,which belongs to high strength and high performance concrete,the durability of concrete will directly affect the operation safety and service life of PCCP project,and the reactivity of alkali aggregate and total alkali content of concrete is one of the key problem,In this paper,mix proportion design of high strength concrete and its alkali content controlled measures of PCCP is studied,By imcorporating high quality fly ash,optimization the grade of aggregate and selection of polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture,the alkali content can satisfy 2.5 kg/m3 requirement of PCCP concrete.
Key words:prestressed concrete cylinder pressure pipe;polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture;alkali content;fly ash
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