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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:13:48 浏览数:

摘要:糙率系数是输水工程设计的重要技术参数,糙率取值的高低直接影响到工程规模的大小及工程投资,国内还缺少令人信服的依据。在专用试验场对管径1.6m的PCCP进行输水阻力测试,通过在过渡区测试出K值,计算出当水流进入阻力平方区时的λ值(0.010 39)和n值(0.010);同样可以计算出不同管径的管道在进入阻力平方区时的n值。通过试验提出不同环境下适用的管道防腐材料,以解决管道长期保护和局部防腐蚀问题。提出适用于PCCP管道接头间隙的止水材料和工艺方法及合理的减阻措施。




中图分类号:TV131.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0159-04


Water Conveyance Resistance for PCCP and Key Technology for Anticorrosive Materials to Decrease the Resistance


LI Dong-li,TIAN Shi-yang,WANG Song-qing


(Institute of Tianjin Water Resource Research,Tianjin 300061,China)


Abstract:The roughness-coefficient (n-value) is one of the key technical parameters of hydraulic in the water conveyance design and accurate selection of its value correlates closely with the scale t and investment of project,but the convincing argument lacks in domestic.The water conveyance resistance is tested for the PCCP with the diameter of 1.6 meters at the special testing on the K-value given in the transition region,the λ-value and n-value can be derived in the region of quadratic resistance law,the coefficient of roughness of the pipe with various diameters can be calculated.The anticorrosive materials are brought up for various conditions,and settled the long-term protection and the local anticorrosive problems for pipe.The water-repellent materials and the technology processes applied for pipe at the joint are brought up,and the reasonable suggestions to decrease the resistance of pipe are put forward.


Key words:concrete;pipe;resistance of water conveyance;test;decrease the resistance




[2]基谢列夫 пг.水力学.流体力学原理[M].北京:水利电力出版社,1983.







     相关热词搜索: 输水 南水北调 阻力 技术研究 防腐
