中图分类号:TV52 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0308-05
Construction and Testing Technology of Compacted Gravel Pile
LIU Yu-jin,HU Rui-qiang,ZHENG Xiao-gang
(China Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 4,Xining 810006,China)
Abstract:The main trunk canal of MRP crossed Yellow River in the northern beach and the foundation is silt and sand.Due to shallow groundwater,the foundation bearing capacity is low and the seismic intensity of 7 degrees liquefaction phenomenon exists at the depth of 12 m.Compacted sand pile was disigned in order to reinforce the foundation to eliminate liquefaction.But in the course of construction,ai the raw material for production of compacted sand pile strength cannot meet the requirements,it is decided to use the compacted sand pile technology to inprove the construction process.The raw material fineness modulus are adjusted from 2.8-sand to the size of 5-20 mm graded gravel.Following the on-the-spot inspection,all of the indexes meet with the design requirements better than the results of compacted sand pile,and it also improved the effectiveness of the construction ,lowered the cost of the raw materials,thus solved the problem of supplying raw materials compaction pile,speed up the construction schedule,and saved the project investment.
Key words:compacted gravel pile;base treatment;eliminate liquefaction;testing
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