碧峰峡之旅 旅 A trip to the Bifeng Gorge
I remember my first trip to the Bifeng Gorge in 2010.I went there with my mother.We went to Chengdu by train first,and then we set off in the morning.It took us 2 hours get there. 我仍记得2010年我的第一次碧峰峡之旅。我是和妈妈去的。我们先坐火车到成都,然后早上出发,到那花了我们两个小时。
We visited the zoo at Bifeng Gorge.I found a beautiful bird in the cage.Its feather is colorful.I saw my favorite animal,pandas.They are so lazy but look cute very much.They were sleeping when I looked at them.Next, we began to climb the Bifeng Gorge.My mother let me take a lot of pictures for her,so I had to hold the camera.But finally,we climbed to the top where I could have a good view of mountains and forests.I felt well in the natural fascinating place.I had a good time there.
We returned Zigong at the next night.It was such an exciting trip that I would never forget. 第二天晚上我们就返回自贡。这次旅途令人兴奋,我难以忘怀。
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