班级活动 Class Activity
Last week,I was so happy,because our class planned to have the activity.All of us felt so excited,we decided to have the picnic on the park.We played some games,the ones who lost the game were punished in some interesting ways.When I got punished,I was asked to ask the stranger to give the cell phone number.I felt so awkward,but I conquered my fear and finished the task.We laughed so happily,we had done so many things that we dared not to do before.We took many pictures and recorded the unforgettable moment.I wish we can have more class activities,it is a good time to promote the communication. 上周,我很高兴,因为我们班有活动计划。我们都感到很兴奋,我们决定出去公园野餐。我们玩一些游戏,输了的人会受到一些有趣惩罚。当我被惩罚的时候,我被要求问陌生人给手机号码。我感到很尴尬,但是我征服了恐惧,完成了任务。我们笑这么开心,做了很多我们之前不敢做的事情。我们拍了许多照片,记录下了这些难忘的时刻。我希望我们可以有更多的班级活动,这是一个促进沟通的好机会。
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