Billy Bee 教材分析:本课是三单元故事课,主要讲述了 Billy 和 Benny 帮助Queen 取回特殊蜂蜜治好病痛的故事。文中小蜜蜂助人为乐,不畏困难的精神是值得我们学习的。课文中用到了本单元学过的几个交通工具,而本课就是让孩子们根据具体情况选择交通工具。
本课是三单元故事课,本单元的单词句型学生已经掌握。本节课我们将以故事情节为主要学习对象,沉迷在故事中,和小蜜蜂 Billy 一起去寻特殊蜂蜜。
学习策略目标:学习阅读技巧 教学重难点:
师准备:ppt 课件,视频,蜜蜂贴纸。
Step1:Pre-reading T: Hello,boys and girls!
Welcome to our English Class! Today we will study a story. Now let’s enjoy some pictures.(教师边出示图片边介绍,使学生对蜜蜂增加更多的了解.)
T: Here is my friend, his name is Billy.
Billy has a friend, Benny. And this is the queen bee.
Why do they help the queen.?
Read the text quickly and find the answer.(设计意图,让学生养成泛读的习惯.知道故事的大致内容.) Step 2: While-reading (一)片段一输入。
T:Let’s listen to the story , then tell me “Is the queen happy? Why?” (设计意图:带着问题找到答案,培养学生的阅读理解能力。)
Ss : She is not happy.
Because she is very sick. T: Yes! What does she need? Ss : She needs special honey.(教师贴出特制蜂蜜的贴纸.) T: Where is the special honey? Ss : It is in Honey Flower City.(教师贴出蜂花城的贴纸.)
T: Is it far from here?(教师做出动作.) Ss : Yes, it is far. T:Who wants to help her?(出示 the queen bee and Billy Bee 的图片。) Ss: Billy Bee. T: Who does Billy Bee invite? Ss: Benny Bee. T: What does Benny Bee think? Can you guess? 1, Why do we help her? 2,What does the queen bee need? 3,Where is the honey? 4,Is it far from here? .......(设计意图,学生不仅能够回答问题,而且能够提出问题。)
T:Please listen carefully and tell me ,How far is it? Ss: It is twenty kilometers. T: When must they come back? Ss: Before 2:00. (三)片段三输入。(设计意图:在不影响故事层次的基础上分段处理故事,不破坏故事情节的层次,而且学生易于理解,印象深刻。) T:Now Let"s watch a video carefully. Can they take a bus?
Can they go there by train?
How does Benny feel? Ss: … Now, it’s time for role play. Practice with your friend.(给学生剧本练习读,有感情的读,为下边的表演做铺垫。) (四)片段输入 T:Do they get they honey in time? Now let’s watch the video. Ss: Yes. It’s a happy ending. T: OK, now we know everything about the story, can you tell me which one do you like? Billy or Benny? Why? (设计意图:故事讲完后给学生思考的空间时间。喜欢 Billy 的讲讲为什么喜欢 Billy?喜欢 Benny 的为什么喜欢 Benny?让学生畅所欲言,从不同角度讲出不同的观点。孩子们的观点视觉永远都是新鲜的,出人意料的。给学生这个平台。) T: The story is very fun, can you repeat it? Please repeat it in your groups. (设计意图:给学生大把的时间,进行练习,消化,最终形成自己的输出。或许五年级的他们都有点放不开,没关系,这需要假以时日,老师的诱导鼓励会让他们更加精彩的。)
T: Maybe you can help your parents to clean the bedroom.
Be a kind , helpful, hardworking
and friendly child. You will feel happy!
Step 4: Homework 1. Read or retell the story for your parent. 2. Act the story with your friends. 板书:
special honey Lesson18:Billy Bee ____is sick. She needs some special honey. _____and ___will help her. They fly ____in the sky.They feel ___. Finally,The get ______. Benny
The Queen Eat _____and _____.
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