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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:15:05 浏览数:



关键词:南水北调 泵站;水泵机组;变频调速;运行匹配


中图分类号:TV68;S274 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0200-04


Type Selection Design and Operating Project of the Large-scale Pump Unit with High Head for Hui-Nan-Zhuang Pump Station


QI Lan-ying,JIANG Rui,SHI Jian-jie


(Beijing Municipal Institute of Hydraulic Engineering Planning,Design & Research,Beijing 100044,China)


Abstract:Hui-Nan-Zhuang Pump Station is the only large-scale pressurized pump station along the main canal of the Middle Line Project of South-to-North Water Diversion and the key control project for water transfer by pressurized pipe culvert of Beijing section,and it is also the typical building of the Middle Line Project.The pump station is the lst class project of big Ⅰ type with big unit capacity and wide range of various characteristic parameters,the frequency converter and speed regulation with broad range applied,complicated operating conditions,high difficulty of technology and no example can be referred to both domestic and overseas.This article combining the project characteristics study and analysis the key technical issues about the type selection and operating match of the large-scale pump unit with high head.


Key words:South-to-North Water Diversion;pump station;pump unit;frequency converter;speed regulation;operating match









     相关热词搜索: 扬程 泵站 南水北调 选型 水泵
