sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.
summary of qualifications
demonstrated ability in the provision of sales support services.includes establishment of the client base,extensive customer servicing,telemarketing,cold calling and sales territory development.
consistently met/exceeded sales goals and instituted sales programs;sales increased from $8 to $25 million.
thorough knowledge of management production;assure timely and accurate presentation of goods;adept at coordinating delivery processes,organization of delivery schedules and monitoring delivery personnel.
extensive experience in facilitating operational procedures,respond to customer complaints;resolve problem elements;interact with credit department to ascertain customer account status.handle sourcing of vendors,contract negotiation,purchasing,correspondence,account adjustments and inventory control.
exceptional communication/interpersonal and organizational skills.
1989-present oxbridge,inc.
interface with merchandising personnel,at all levels,and provide technical information on company products and services.
interact with customers,providing advice in the selection of products.monitor production to ensure realization of customer specifications.
collaborate with contracting merchandisers for contract negotiation on supplies.conduct extensive materials costing processes.
coordinate delivery schedules and monitor delivery personnel.
organize promotional demonstration activities for home and hew york marketing office.
respond to and resolve customer complaints.
manage office operations and produce
control stock and conduct purchasing procedures.
assist sales department in establishing client base/sales territories.
1993-present prophet junior college
associate degree program
background summary accentuates candidate"s acquired professional skills and impressive track record.
listing relevant courses adds weight to candidate"s educational credentials.
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