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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:10:16 浏览数:



中图分类号:TV68;TU41 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0052-05

Pullout Test Study on the Interaction between Geogrid and Swelling Rock

DING Jin-hua,BAO Cheng-gang,DING Hong-shun

(Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of the Ministry of Water Resources Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010,China)

Abstract:The interaction mechanism between geogrid and mid-weak swelling rock in the Project of South-to-North Water Diversion is analyzed by pull-out tests which uesd the modified laminated shear test instrument.Through the experiments with different vertical loads and two kinds of geogrid,quasi-friction angle and quasi-cohesive force of the interface is calculated,the distribution law of interface frictional resistance (IFR) at the different location of geogrid is discussed.The test resule of lamination displacement indicates that the additional-shear-stress in soil bought by IFR decayed from the interface.

Key words:swelling rock;geogrid;interaction;laminated shear test;pullout test


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