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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:13:55 浏览数:





中图分类号:TV68;TU443 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0163-04


Engineering Characteristics of Expansive Soil in Nanyang Basin


CAI Yao-jun,ZHAO Min,YANG Yun-hua


(Changjiang Institute of Survey,Planning,Design and Research,Wuhan 430010,China)


Abstract:Expansive soil,one of the special clay soils,had caused many problems to foundations and slopes.It was revealed that the structure and strength of the expansive soil in Nanyang basin were of zonation and timeliness.Accordingly,different design parameters and experiment methods were proposed in this paper.The mechanisms of replacement with non-expansive soil for canal slopes were discussed in details as well.


Key words:expansive soil;canal slope;slope stability;mechanics parameters





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