中图分类号:TV68;S274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0033-02
Dual-parameters Autocontrol model in the General Diversion Channel from Han River in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project
ZHANG Xun-shi,CHEN Jia-fan
(Department of Hydraulic Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
Abstract: Autocontrol and safe operation of the general diversion channel from Han River in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project are important tasks.Dual-parameter of equal water volume & limit discharge control model for the general channel operation autocontrol model has to be presented in this paper,First,the water level at the middle point of the channel section should not be changed to keep equal water volume Vo of this channel section,i.e,realizing the equal water volume control through static parameter.Next,the energy gradient of the channel section J should not be exceed the limit energy gradient Jo to control the discharge of the channel section,i.e,realizing the limit discharge control through dynamics parameter.The real-time dynamic balance discharge control of the whole general channel is to be got by using the dual-parameters autocontrol model.The Precision Bubbles Water Level Gage is recommended as a measuring instrument for the autocontrol process.The error of autocontrol has to be estimated in the paper.
Key words:general channel;autocontrol mode;equal-volume control;limit-discharge control
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