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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:13:32 浏览数:

摘要:为满足国家对南水北调东线工程江苏段出省水质要求,徐州市和宿迁市的处理尾水通过尾水导流工程经新沂河入黄海,导流入新沂河尾水量41万t/d,COD污染负荷达14965t/a,使现状劣Ⅴ类水体的新沂河更加不堪重负,导致新沂河沿线至入海口附近近海水域的生态环境进一步恶化。2550m2人工湿地中试工程实验结果表明,湿地床技术能有效的净化污染河水,对COD的去除率可达60%—70%,氨氮的去除率达75%—85%;水葱(Scirpus locustris)、春兰(Gymbidium georingii)等植物具有较强的耐淹特性。根据充分利用当地资源、以最小的建设投资和运行费用达到工程目标的原则,利用新沂河束水型行洪河道具有大量滩地资源特征,优化布置人工湿地床进行新沂河污染河水处置工程方案的设计。


中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0081-04

Integrated Treatment of Channelized Tail Water of the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project

RUAN Xiao-hong a,b,NI Li-xiao a,b,WAN Qing-hua a,b,ZHAO Zhen-hua a,b

(a.State Key Laboratory for Hydrology-Water Resources & Hydraulic Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;b.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)

Abstract:To ensure the water quality of the outflow from Jiangsu Section of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,treated wastewater from the Xuzhou City and Suqian City is not allowed to discharge into the Great Canal,but can be transferred to the Yellow Sea via channelization project.The volume of tail water discharged to the Xinyyi River via channelization project is 410,000 t/d,and the pollutant load is 14 965 t/a .The present water quality of the Xinyi River is worse than Chass V,the discharge of tail water even worsens the river,resulting in further degradation of ecosystem along the Xinyi River and the estuary.Pilot-scale experiments of constructed watland with area of 2 550 m2 show that wetland can purify polluted river water,the removal efficiencies of COD and NH3-N are 60%-70% and 75%-85% respectively.The macrophytes such as Scirpus locustris, Gymbidium goeringii etc.have relatively strong endurance of flood.Full scale constructed wetland to treat polluted Xinyi River water is an optimal design to use the abundant bottomland resources of the river.

Key words:Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;constructed wetland;channelization of tail water;full scale constructed wetland project design







     相关热词搜索: 南水北调 导流 东线 处置 水利
