中图分类号:TV68 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0077-04
Start-up Time Difference of Pumping Station of Nansi Lake in the South-to-North Water Transfer
WU Zhou-hu1,LUO Hui2,LIU Chang-yu3,SUN Li-feng1,ZHAO Pei-qing3
((1.Qingdao Technological University,Qingdao 266033,China;2.Shandong Construction and Management Bureau of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,Jinan 250013,China;3.Shandong Design Institute of Water Resources and Reconnaissance,Jinan 250013,China))
Abstract:By calculating start-up time difference of in-lake and out-lake pumping station in the upper and lower lakes,the article studies the necessary and sufficient conditions of start-up out-lake pumping station,the relationship between the start-up time of out-lake pumping station and rising velocity of lake water level.The necessary and sufficient conditions are the start-up of the out-lake pumping station does not cause the out-lake pumping station diversion channel import level to fall below the corresponding water level of the control and design conditions.The related conditions are the water begins to rise when the in-lake inertial wave reaches the lake exports;the water-holding capacity of the lake satisfies the water distribution current capacity to form the wedge-shaped water cubage of constant running water surface profile gradient,formula and tabulations of the pumping station start-up time.Rising velocity of the water level and lake water level for engineering design are also provided.
Key words:Nansi Lake;pumping station;start-up condition;start-up time;rising velocity of the water level
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