() (Holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No. ) of , , hereby revoke all former wills codicils and testamentary dispositions made by me and declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
1. I APPOINT (Holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No. ) of be the sole Executor and Trustee of this my Will (hereinafter called "my Trustee" which expression shall include the trustee or trustees for the time being hereof whether original or substituted).
2. I GIVE all my share and interest of and in the landed property situate lying and being at to for his/her own use and benefit absolutely.
3. I GIVE my ] to for his/her own use and benefit absolutely.
4. I GIVE the sum of HK$ to my (if more than one, their relationship and names etc.) in equal shares for their own use absolutely free of any duty payable on or by reason of my death. *
5. I GIVE DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all my estate real and personal of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate (excluding my property heretobefore disposed of) subject to and charged with the payment thereout of my funeral and testamentary expenses just debts taxes and estate duty to my Trustee UPON TRUST to sell call in and convert the same into money with power to postpone such sale calling in and conversion for so long as he shall in his absolute discretion think fit without being liable for loss and after payment thereout of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses TO HOLD the residue ("my Residuary Estate") on trust to divide such residue into equal shares to be distributed in the following manner:-
(a) as to one of such shares for for his/her own use and benefit absolutely;
(b) as to one of such shares for for his/her own use and benefit absolutely;
(c) etc
PROVIDED THAT if any of the above beneficiary or beneficiaries shall die before me then his or her or their share or shares shall be divided and paid to the other surviving beneficiaries in equal shares.
6. I declare that Hong Kong is the place of my domicile and that the law in force in Hong Kong at the time of my death shall be the law of this my Will.
IN WITNESS whereof I the said have hereunto set my hand this day of two thousand.
SIGNED by the abovenamed as her/his last Will in the presence of us both present at the same time who at her/his request in her/his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: ) ) ) ) ) )
* Note: whether the details of property, e.g. the location and description, is specified in the Will shall have different legal effect, the testator should consider how to specify the property in accordance with his/her intention. You may contact your lawyer for legal advice for the legal effect.
** Note: in order to avoid the suspicion of undue influence by the Beneficary to the testator affecting the validity of the Will, the Beneficiary should not be signed the Will as witness.
遗 嘱
立遗嘱人 (香港身份证号码: XXXXXX(X)),兹郑重声明,将本人所有以前订立之遗嘱、遗嘱修订附件及遗嘱性质的产权处置,尽行作废,并立此嘱书为本人最后之遗嘱。
(一) 本人指定及委派本人之 (香港身份证号码: XXXXXX(X)) 住 为本人此遗嘱之唯一的遗嘱执行人及受托人。
(二) 本人将本人名下位于 之物业遗赠本人之 承受及享用。
(三) 本人将本人名下的 遗赠本人之 承受及享用。
(四) 本人将本人名下的 遗赠本人之 平均承受及享用,并免除此遗赠之任何遗产税项责任。*
(五) 除上述第二、三及四段的产业外,本人将本人名下在各处所有之不动产及动产产业,除清付本人丧葬费及其它费用(包括债项在内)外,全部尽行遗赠本人之 ) 平均承受及享用。
(六) 本人以香港为本人之永久居留地,本遗嘱乃根据香港法律处理,此嘱。
上开遗嘱,经余等人在场见证,由该立遗嘱人 亲自签署,作为其最后遗嘱;同时余等人应其所请,为之见证,于签署名字作见证人时,该立遗嘱人与余等两人均同时在场,此证。
* 注意: 因遗嘱内是否列明有关遗赠现金的所有地或详细事项将可引致不同法律效果,立遗嘱人须考虑是否因应其意愿而加以列明,有关法律效果可向阁下的律师查询。
** 注意: 遗嘱的受益人不应同时作为遗嘱的见证人,以避免因嫌疑影响立遗嘱人的意愿以致令遗嘱的有效性受到质疑。
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