IT 市场经理 IT Marketing Manager 简历范文
.in charge of internet market segment analysis, and strategy alliance. setting marketing communications strategy and plan.
.well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.
.active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, self-confident.
.leadership and inter-personal communication skill.
name: stella li
date of birth:august 23th,1968
martial status:married
email address:stellali@diyifanwen
.conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.
.annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.
.maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.
.coordinating vip customers participation of important events.
.working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and internet access solutions promotion in china.
.as an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.
.controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.
.in charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.
august, 1988 - june, 1992
university of post and telecommunications
computer & telecommunitcations
bachelor of computer engineering
.with the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.
.graduation thesis officially published.
.received university special english prize.
.being the division chief of student union for two years.
key account management, july 1997
customer service management, april 1999
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