摘要:首次对在南水北调山东境内黄泛冲积平原区分布的一类高液限黏土进行了系统性研究,定名其为“裂隙黏土”,并给其一准确、科学的定义。着重从裂隙黏土沉积环境和微地貌、矿物成分和化学成分、工程地质特性、各指标间的相关性、渗透变形型式、勘察方法、工程处理措施、防渗技术等方面对裂隙黏土展开了系统性研究 。研究发现其具有较低的干密度、高的压缩性、特殊的分散性、弱-中等潜势的膨胀性和中等的透水性、弱的抗渗稳定性、低的抗剪强度等工程地质特性,具有较高的理论意义和实践意义。论文首次对裂隙黏粘土沉积环境分为4个区,纠正黄泛堆积层不过“串湖”的观点;提出其物源不仅为黄土,更来源于古土壤和三趾马红土;提出了裂隙黏土渗透变形型式是“冲蚀管涌型”。
中图分类号:TV68;TU44 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0085-07
Fissured Clay in Shandong Section of Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion
OU Zhao-yuan1,WANG Jin-jian2,ZHANG Yu-qun2,CAI Jia-hong1,LIANG Yi2
(1.Shandong Trunk CO. Ltd in the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion,Jinan 250013,China;2.Shandong Construction and Management Bureau of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,Jinan 250013,China)
Abstract:The systematic research was conducted on high liquid limit clay of the Yellow River alluvial plain within Shandong Segment in the Eastern Line of the South-to-North Water Diversion for the first time.We gave it an accurate scientific definition and named it "the fissured clay".The research discovered it has a lower dry density,the high compression,the special dispersivity,the weak~medium latent expansibility and the medium water permeability,weak anti-seepage stability,low shearing strength,which has the higher theory and practice significance,For the first time the paper divides the fissured clay environment of deposition into four aresas,corrects viewpoint of the Yellow River alluvial formation only distributing in the west of "the string lake";proposes its source not only is from the loess,but also the paleosol and the tertiary red clay;proposed the fissured clay seepage distortion pattern is "an erosion piping".
Key words:Shandong Section of Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion;the fissured clay;research;summary
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