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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:16:24 浏览数:





中图分类号:TV642;TV522 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0283-03


Reinforcing Bar of Spillway Pier in Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project


GUO Wu-shan1,Li Fang-qing1,HU Yu-xin1,YUAN Yun-qiao1,TAN Ming-jun2


(1.Mid-Route Water Source Co.Ltd of the South-to-North Water Transfer,Danjiangkou 442700,China;

2.China Gezhouba(Group)Corporation,Yichang 443002,China)


Abstract:Spillway pier reinforcement rate of Danjiangkou initial project is too small (only 0.043%) ,in accordance with existing norms,the minimum reinforcement rate of concrete component is 0.15%,so some steel reinforcement for piers should be added to meet the standard requirements.By the study design,boring is used to planting steel bar along the perimeter for reinforcing piers.Before working starts,test of spillway pier planting steel bar is performed.Through locale technics testing and infusion materials testing indoor,we can master the material performance,and optimize planting steel bar and drilling and grouting technology,determine the best allocation method of equipment and personnel.


Key words:South-to-North Water Transfer;dam heightening;spillway pier;planting steel bar;test








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