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发布时间:2022-02-25 15:08:26 浏览数:



中图分类号:TV68;X52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0070-03

Effect of the Water Transfer Project from Yangtze River to Hanjiang River on the Eco-environment of the Middle and Lower Reaches of Hanjiang River

WANG Ting-ting1a,ZHANG Wan-shun1a,PENG Hong1b,ZHU Qi-yan1a,ZHANG Bin2

(1.a.School of Resource & Environmental Science;b.School of Water Resource and Hydropower,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.Hubei Environment Science Academy,Wuhan 430072,China)

Abstract:The water transfer project from Yangtze River to Hanjiang River,as a matching project of the South-to-North Water Transfer will make a great effect on the eco-environment of the middle and lower reaches of Hanjing River.The paper analyzes its effect on the ecosystem environment from the aspects of water level,flow,growth of fish,algae based on the water quality model and the RQEM. The results show that after the water transfer project,water level and the capacity of the middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River will be enhanced,the concentration of the water pollutant (COD) will be reduced,the "water bloom" phenomenon will be controlled,fish""s survival space will be improved,but the potential risk of schistosomiasis diffuseness may be increased.

Key words:the water transfer from Yangtze River to Hanjiang River;the midddle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River;eco-environment












     相关热词搜索: 汉江 南水北调 中下游 生态环境 水利
