C C ommon numbering of IEC 62271 publications falling under the responsibility of subcommittee e s SC 17A and SC . 17c
IEC 62271 series HIGH-VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGER 高压开关设备和控制设备 Old IEC number if any part New title
1 Common specifications
通用说明 IEC 60694 2 Kv and above -
100 High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers
高压交流断路器 IEC 60056 101 Synthetic testing
合成测试 IEC 60427 102 High-voltage alternating current disconnections and earthing switches 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关
IEC 60129 103 Switches for rated voltages above 1kV and
less than 52kV 1kV~52kV 的开关设备 IEC 60265-1 104 Switches for rated voltages of 52 kV and above 52kV 及以上的高压开关设备 IEC 60265-2
105 Alternating current switch-fuse combinations
高压交流开关-熔断器组合 IEC 60420 106 Alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor-starters 交流接触器和 IEC 60470 107 Alternating current switchgear-fuse combinations 高压交流开关设备-熔断器组合 - 108 Switchgear having combined function 开关设备的联动功能 - 109 Series capacitor by-pass switches 串连电容器 - 200 AC metal-enclosed switchgear and control gear for rated voltage above 1kV and up to and including 52 kV 1kV~52 kV 交流金属封闭开关和控制设备 IEC 60298 201 Insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltage up to and including 52 kV 52 kV 及以上绝缘封闭开关设备 IEC 60466 202 High-voltage/ Low-voltage prefabricated substations
高低压箱式变电站 IEC 61330 203 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV 额定电压在 52 kV 以上气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备
IEC 60517 204 额定电压在 IEC 61640 (300) Guide for seismic qualification of high-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers IEC 61166
高压交流断路器地震条件导则 (301) Guide for inductive load switching 感应负载开关导则(高压交流断路器)
IEC 61223 (302) Guide for short-circuit and switching test procedures for metal-enclosed and dead tank circuit-breakers 金属封闭和落地罐式断路器的短路和开合试验程序导则 IEC 61633 (303) Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in high-voltage switchgear and controlgear 高压开关和控制设备种 SF6 的使用和操作 IEC 61634 (304) 设备用在特殊环境条件下的附加要求 IEC 60932 (305) Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV. 52 kV 及以上气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备的电缆连接 IEC 60859 (306) Direct connection between power transformers and gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV. 52 kV 及以上发电机变压器和气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备的直接连接 IEC 61639 (307 Use of electronic and associated technologies in auxiliary equipment of switchgear and controlgear 开关设备和控制设备的辅助设备种电气和相关技术的使用 IEC 62063 (308) Guide for asymmetrical short-circuit breaking test duty T 100a 非对称短路开端试验导则 - (309) TRV parameters for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above l kV and less than 100 kV. - (310) 电动力续性试验 - ◎IEC:2003 Table 102- - Preferred rated insulation levels for rated voltages
for equipment of range 1
Rated voltage for equipment Ur kV
设备额定电压 Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (额定短时工频耐受电压)
Ud kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (额定雷电冲击耐受电压)
Up kV(peckvalue) Phase-to-earth, across open switching device and between phase 相对地,相间和通过断开的设备 Across the isolating distance 通过的绝缘距离 Phase-to-earth, across open switching device and between phase 相对地,相间和通过断开的设备 Across the isolating distance 通过的绝缘距离 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
140 160 325 375
100 185 210 450 520 123 230 265 550 630 145 275 315 650 750 170 325 375 750 860 245 460 530 1050 1200 NOTE Values in column(2) are applicable A) For type tests, phase-to-earth and between phases; B) For routine tests, phase-to-phase, and across the open switching device. Values in columns(3), (4) and (5) are applicable for type tests only. 注意:第二列的电压用于:
相对地和相间的测试类型 (2)
◎IEC:2003 Table 103 3- - Preferred rated insulation levels for rated voltages
for equipment of range II
Rated voltage for equipment Ur kV
设备额定电压 Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (额定短时工频耐受电压)
Ud kV
Rated switching impulse withstand voltage (额定开关冲击耐受电压)
Us kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (额定雷电冲击耐受电压)
Up kV(peckvalue) Phase-to-earth, and between phase (note 3) 相对地和相间 across open switching device and /or isolating distance (note 3) Phase-to-earth, and across open switching device 相对地和相间 between phase (note 4) 相间 Across isolating distance (note 1,2 and 3) 通过绝缘距离
Phase-to-earth, and between phase 相对地和相间 across open switching device and /or isolating distance (note 3) 通过断开的开关设备和/或绝缘距离 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
300 460 595 850 1275 700(+245) 1050 1050(+170) 362 520 675 950 1425 800(+295) 1175 1175(+205) 420 650 815 1050 1575 900(+345) 1425 1425(+240) 550 710 925 1175 1760 900(+450) 1550 1550(+315) 800 960 1270 1425 2420 1100(+650) 2100 2100(+453) NOTE 2 in column (6) , values in brackets are the peck values of the power-frequency voltage Ur/√2/ √3 applied to the opposite terminal (combined voltage)
In column (8), value√2/ √3 applied to the opposite terminal (combined voltage).see annex D of IEC 60694. NOTE(3) Values in column(2) are applicable: (a) for type tests ,phase-to-earth and between phases; (b) for routine tests, phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase, and across the open switching device. Values in columns(3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) are applicable for type tests only. NOTE(4) these values are derived using the multiplying factors stated in Table 3 of IEC 60070-1(1993) 注 1:第 6 列也 注 2:在第 6 列,括号内的数字是加在同一极相应端子上的反极性工频电压的峰值。
注 3:第二列种的数字适用于:
相对地,相间和通过断开的开关设备间的常规测试 (3), (4), (5), (6), (7)和 (8) 列种的数值仅用于典型测试 注 4:
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