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中图分类号:TU411 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0148-03


Secondary Consolidation Deformation on Soft Soil

CHANG Qing1,YU Xiang-juan2


(1.The Research Centre of Engineering Technology of Water Diversion,Jinan 250013;


2.Research Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)


Abstract:The 1D secondary consolidation tests of soft soils of undisturbed and disturbed through step loading has been carried out.The results show that secondary compression obviously relates to load.Coefficient of secondary consolidation increases with load and their relations are discussed;the rules of undisturbed soils are the same with these of disturbed soils,the coefficient of secondary consolidation of disturbed soils under the same load is less than that of undisturbed soils;Based on the laboratory tests results,the relations of coefficients of secondary consolidation and loads are given by least square method.


Key words:soft soil;secondary consolidation;coefficient of secondary consolidation





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     相关热词搜索: 固结 南水北调 变形 水利 特性