中图分类号:TV68;TV52 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0324-04
The construction technique of pump feeding replacement in the mortar wall with super depth
CHENG Rui-ming,HUAI Xiao-gang,ZHANG Jian,LI Rong-zhi
(Tunnel Co.Ltd of China Railway Engineering Group Co.Ltd,Xinxiang 453000,China)
Abstract:In the first stage of Middle Route in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,there is an anti-seepage wall with mortar outside on the north bank of the Yellow river crossing Project.The designed thickness of the wall is 0.8 m and depth is 71.6 m.The construction method of the wall was changed to pump feeding replacement from self-concreting as originally designed.The hydraulic grab bucket or the horizontal multi-axis driller is adopted to make the channel,and heavy plummet is used to check the quality and then compressed air is used for cleaning.The slurry sucked out by the pump is sent to the mixing station and becomes the mortar with larger proportion by adding cement and sand.Next the mortar is sent back to the bottom of the channel by pump and pipes and forms the wall by the differences between slurry and mortar in proportion.In this way,the first anti-seepage mortar wall with large depth was built successfully.It is emphasized the equipments and tools in the construction.grouting material,concrete ratio,and pump feeding replacement techniques.
Key words:Yellow rive crossing project;mortar wall of super depth;pump feeding replacement;construction techniques
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