Journalist Resume 新闻记者英文简历范文
position as a staff writer for a major metropolitan newspaper.
feature of the year, 1998, for:
building more prisons: when
retribution hinders rehabilitation.wade teagle fellowship in journalism studies, 1992morris k. udall award for outstanding undergraduate
journalism, 1990
employment history
harrisburg patriot news, harrisburg, pa
feature writer, 1997 to present
feature reporter, covering political and social issues in the harrisburg area.
public opinion, chambersburg, pa
editor: local news section, 1993 to 1997
reported on a variety of stories citywide.
provided daily coverage of major local events.
athens journal, athens, oh
staff writer, 1990 to 1993
covered local sports at high school and college levels. averagedfeature sports stories each week and numerous shorter game summaries.
covered meetings of the local board of supervisors, courts, and marina governing board. averaged two stories a week.
ohio university, athens, oh
b.a., journalism, 1990
morris k. udall award for outstanding undergraduate journalism
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