CONTROLLER(General) 简历范文
sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.
summary of qualifications
proficient in spanish and some knowledge of french.
self-motivated;able to set effective priorities decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.
passed c.p.a.examination,january 1989
university of virginia,charlottesville,va
certificate in accountancy with high honors,1988 g.p.a.: 3.6/4.0
university of madrid
graduate school of spanish literature,1972
university of richmond,richmond,va
bachelor of arts,arts,modern languages,1971 g.p.a.:3.0/4.0
professional experience
initiate and maintain general ledgers for three closely held corporationspile financial statements.process payroll,payables and receivables.prepare budget and cost reports.
1989-present b.t. johnson,c.p.a,richmond,va
staff accountant
prepare individual,corporate,and fiduciary income and estate tax returns.generate compilations and financial statement audits.research tax issues.
1973-1989 ashland authority,ashland,va
assistant terminal agent
strong educational credentials strengthen resume .
foreign language skills further strengthen candidate""s qualifications.
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