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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:16:17 浏览数:





中图分类号:TV52 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0286-02


The Prevention and Control Measures to Cracks in Concrete Slabs of the Machine Lining


ZHANG Hai-tao1,ZHANG Feng2,CHEN Feng-zhen1


(1.Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservacy,Ji""nan 250013,China;

2.East Part of South-to-North Water Diversion in Shandong CO.LTD,Ji""nan 250014,China)


Abstract:With the development of the construction technology,mechanized construction methods are widely used in the building of the division channel and the plain reservoir.The mechanized construction is a procedure of working continuously.The one-off casting slab has too large dimension and very easy to produce cracks.Based on construction practice,the reasons of crack lies in the disposal of the foundation,the pavement of the padding,the quality of the raw material,the casting of the concrete,the cutting of the hardened concrete and the reservation of the concrete Finally several prevention and control measures are presented.


Key words:machine lining;crack;control





     相关热词搜索: 衬砌 南水北调 机械化 裂缝 混凝土
