鲍勃迪伦获得诺贝尔奖 奖 Bob Dylan Won Nobel
I like to listen to English songs so much,since I studied English,I keep watching movies and listening to English songs all the time,especially the songs helps me to learn the new words and cultivate my interest.Bob Dylan is one of my favorite singers,I like the songs he wrote,the words are very meaningful,he is more like a poet than a composer.The exciting news came that this great composer and singer won the Nobel Prize in literature,this was the first time for the singer to win.The fans were crazy about their idols and they celebrated it.A Nobel Prize is the great award to Bob Dylan’s talent. 我喜欢听英文歌曲,自从我学英语,我就一直在看电影和听英文歌,尤其是歌曲可以帮助我学习新单词,培养我的兴趣。鲍勃迪伦是我最喜欢的一个歌手,我喜欢他写的歌曲,歌词很有意义,他更像是一个诗人,而不是作曲家。激动人心的消息传来,这个伟大的作曲家兼歌手获得了诺贝尔文学奖,这是歌手首次获得这个奖项。粉丝为对他们的偶像感到疯狂,并且庆祝。诺贝尔奖是对鲍勃?迪伦天分的奖励。
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