爱丽丝的最后章节 节 The Last Chapter of Alice
Many years ago,I saw a very exciting movie,which called Resident Evil.The protagonist was a girl,whose name was Alice.She woke up one day and found the world was different.A lot of people turned into walking dead and she had to fight for the evil.I love this movie so much.Alice is a brave girl.she is smart and equipped with all kinds of skills.Now the last chapter has come.The movie will end and Alice will finish the task.It is hard to say goodbye to this exciting movie,which has become a part of my childhood memory. 许多年前我看了一部非常刺激的电影,电影叫《生化危机》。主人公是一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩。有一天她醒来后发现世界完全不一样了,因为很多人变成了行尸走肉,而她则必须要跟邪恶做斗争。我很喜欢这部电影。爱丽丝是一个勇敢的女孩,她很聪明,拥有各种各样的技能。如今最后的章节来了,这部电影也将结束了。爱丽丝也将完成她的任务。对这部激动人心的电影说再见真的很难,因为这部电影已成为我童年记忆的一部分了。
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