中图分类号:TV68;P731 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0182-03
Analyses on Temperature Boundary Condition of Aqueduct Surface
CHE Chuan-jin,HE Xiu-fen,Li Ju-xing,LIU Shu-yu,GENG Yun-sheng
(The Second Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower of Hebei,Shijiazhuang,050021,China)
Abstract:The aqueducts chronically exposure in the air.The variety of temperature in the environment can affect the structural internal force hugely,even can destroy the construction.It is significant to analyze the temperature boundary condition of aqueducts accurately. On the meteorology and heat transfer theory.the air temperature condition of the construction is analyzed,and some thermodynamic norms as the day radiant intensity,the air dispersion intensity,the ground reflected intensity and the ground radiant intensity etc.which are caused by the solar radiation are also studied.They are calculated through the empirical formula in correlative criterion.The Minghe aqueduct,as the biggest aqueduct in Heibei Section in the Middle Line of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,is an example.We calculate the aqueduct surface temperature from the top,the bottom,the east side and the west side,systematically analyze variation of water in the aqueduct.
Key words:the aqueduct;finite element;thermal conductivity;day difference in temperature
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