中图分类号:TV68;TV31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0197-03
Effect of Non-Uniform Deflection of Longitudinal Beams on Structure of Large Aqueduct in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project
HE Xiu-fen,LI Shu-qun
(The Second Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower of Hebei,Shijiazhuang 050021)
Abstract:In the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,the size of the primary channel is huge.Aqueduct design usually is many troughs interconnected with a beam with large span prestressed reinforced concrete structure.The deflection of the longitudinal beams is a control guide for structure""s operating normally.But non-uniform deflection of the longitudinal beams on the lateral structure cannot be ignored for the transverse structure in the aqueducts.That too large of non-uniform deflection difference of the transverse structure will lead larger additive intrenal force ofaqueduct,which even make the structure destroyed.The deflection of the longitudinal beams of the aqueducts which span the rivers in Hebei Province is calculated under different condition.By adjusting to prestress in longitudinal beams,the effect of the deflection on the transversestructure is reduced to a minimum level.As a result,the structure can get to be optimized.
Key words:the large aqueduct;deflection differences of longitudinal beams;transverse structure calculation.
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