中图分类号:TV52 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0313-05
Application of Anchor Block Underground Diaphragm Wall in Water Conservancy Projects Construction
WANG Wen-hong
(Huai-an No.4 pumping station construction department of South-to-North Water Diversion,Jiangsu province,Huai""an 223200,China)
Abstract:During the construction of water conservancy projects,in order not to affect the security of adjacent constructions or make the groundwork of the adjacent new structures fell over the undisturbed soil,and not to render big non-uniform settlement,which affect the security of the structures,proper temporary support structure are often adopted in the excavation of deep foundation trench,which shields the stabilization of the structures in the vicinity.Anchor block underground diaphragm wall is a sort of new foundation trench support system ,which is extensively uesd in the deep foundation trench support of high-rise buildings in the city.However,it""s not commonly adopted in water conservancy projects in Jiangsu Province.Pre-stressed anchor underground diaphragm wall of pressure dispersion type is firstly adopted for support in the deep foundation trench of Huaian-Ⅳ-pumping station in the east route of South-to-North Water Diversion project and obtained great success.
Key words:anchor block;undergorund diaphragm wall;water conservancy projects;application
[1]CECS 22:2005,岩土锚杆(索)技术规程[S].
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