英语格言— —— u You e have o to e believe n in . yourself. That ’s s thet secret f of . success. e (Charlie Chaplin)英语笑话:
A A Joke: Psychiatrist: What ’s s r your problem?: Patient: I I k think I I ’m m a a chicken.: Psychiatrist: w How g long s has s this n been g going on?: Patient: e Since I I s was n an egg!学生作文:
5 1105 熊妮My DiaryMon. Nov.8.2016Yesterday was sunny and warm. My friendsand I had a picnic. We had the picnic at thebeach. We played games on the beach.In the morning, my mother made somecakes for me. I was happy. It was 12 o’clock.We took out many food from the picnic basket.Nie Kexin brought some sandwiches and ten boxes of milk. Xusa broughta few bars of chocolate. Wuqian brought some fruit and some candies.Wenyin brought some peanuts and a big bottle of juice. Yang Haoyuanbrought a box of bread. “It was a nice picnic.” says Wenyin. We wenthome at 4:00 p.m. We had a good time. I went to bed at 10:00 p.m.It was a very nice day!
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