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发布时间:2021-09-28 14:48:15 浏览数:

 课外阅读教学 《 《My tooth fell out》 》


  王莉萍 】


 :非故事类课外阅读教学《My tooth fell out》



 :六年级学生 】


 :PPT,视频,板书 】



 本次教学内容为课外阅读教学,来源于 21 世纪英语报,为“非故事类文本教学”,体裁新颖,内容有趣。该文本主要围绕“牙齿”这个话题,帮助学生了解牙齿生长的一般常识,知道换牙是成长过程中的一个经历,能够回忆、谈论自己的换牙的经历,学习国内外丢牙的习俗,明白其寓意,明白牙齿的重要性,并学会保护牙齿。

 本节课的教授对象是六年级学生,他们接触过些许与牙齿相关的主题,掌握了有关牙齿的单词、句型 “tooth, teeth, toothache, I have a…,We should/shouldn’t…”,但比较简单;他们有过掉牙的经历,但不会用英语表达。因此,如何在有限的图示结构基础上,寻找合适的、丰富的资源,并借助多种教学手段充分利用资源,激发学生的学习内驱力,实现教学目标成为了本课的关键。

 【 教学目标 】

 1.语言能力方面:掌握 loose、wiggle…with…、fall out 等与牙齿有关的词汇,并能运用新知识尝试表达自己掉牙经历和不同国家的习俗; 2.学习能力方面:通过图片、视频等资源理解文本;在合作、探讨、自主学习中建构文本意义;能在活动中进行表达运用; 3.思维品质方面:借助图片、文本等资源引导学生开展合作探究学习,发展学生的猜测能力、提取信息能力和深度思考的能力,帮助学生构建关于乳牙的知识体系。



 1.掌握 loose、wiggle…with…、fall out 等与牙齿有关的词汇,学习不同国家的换牙习俗,并能运用新知识尝试表达自己掉牙经历和不同国家的习俗; 2.理解、建构文本意义,并能在活动中进行表达运用,发展思维能力,帮助学生构建关于乳牙的知识体系,体会牙齿的重要性,学会保护牙齿。

 Step1. Pre-reading 1. Let’s sing

 2. Let’s greet

 3. Let’s guess T: With me, my new friend is coming too. Look! Who is he? How is he? What happened, can you guess? 4. Let’s watch and check

 T: Let’s watch a video to check the answers. T: Ok. After watching, do you know the answer? Ss: Tutu’s tooth is missing. T: Yes, you are right. Then where’s the tooth?

 Ss: The tooth fell out. T: Yes, you got it. So today, our topic is “My tooth fell out!” 揭题:My tooth fell out! Step2. While-reading

 1. Let’s focus What do you know about teeth? What do you think of teeth? What do you want to say to Tutu? Teach: important, take good care of…

 2. Let’s share T: We know Tutu’s baby tooth fell out. Has this happened to you? Yeah, me too. This is very common for 6 or 7 year-old kids. Because this is our baby tooth. About the baby tooth, what do you know?

 Ss:… T: (根据学生的回答适时调整、引导)

 When did you have a loose tooth? How did you feel? What did you do with your loose tooth?

 At last, what happened? Teach: loose, wiggle…with…, tongue 3. Let’s learn (1) Tradition in China (自然承接上一个环节的对话)T: Yes, the loose tooth fell out at last. Oh, what a pity! Then what did you do with your baby tooth?

 Ss: I/We put…on/under… … Teach: upper teeth/lower teeth T: In China, we put our upper teeth under the bed and put our lower teeth on the roof. (师边说边画思维导图)

 T: Why? Ss: Because … T: Yes. We hope our teeth will grow in more quickly and well. T: Is it interesting? This is our Chinese tradition.

 Teach: tradition (2) Let’s scan

 T: What other countries can you find? T: How can you find the answer so quickly?

 Ss: Titles Tips: Titles are very useful. They help us know the general meaning.

 (3) Traditions in the US& the UK and Brazil ——Learn in groups.

 1. Choose one country. 选择一个你喜欢的国家。

 2. Make your own mind map. 画一幅关于这个国家丢牙习俗的思维导图。

 3. Try to share with us. 尝试和大家汇报、分享。

 4. Let’s enjoy T: Let’s enjoy the nice passage. Please read beautifully and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

 Step3. Post-reading

 1. Let’s watch: The life of the baby tooth T: What else do you know about the baby tooth? Ss: When I was…I had a/some tooth/teeth… (生边回答,师边画时间轴)

 2. Let’s show T: Look, this is my mind map about the baby tooth. Can you make yours? Here’s another task for you.

 1. Discuss in groups about the baby tooth.


 2. Draw a mind map about the baby tooth. 小组绘制思维导图,组内成员人人参与。

 3. Try to share with us. 尝试汇报分享。

 Tips: 汇报形式多样,信息丰富(可讲述故事,可主题演讲…)

 Step4.Homework 1. Search more tooth traditions around the world.


 2. Read the more picture books about adult teeth.


 3. Make your own newspapers about teeth and try to share.


相关热词搜索: 课外 阅读教学 fell