常用课堂用语 What do you think of their show/presentation? Who would like to be number one? Give them some comment. Let’s welcome the next group. How many scores for them?
You have done a good job. -- have made a big progress.
Excellent./Wonderful./Well done./Nice job./Good. It’s almost perfect. Work harder , I am sure you will do better next time. You look a little big nervous/shy. Don’t be nervous/shy. Take is easy . I can’t hear you clearly. I hope you can speak more loudly and clearly
next time.
Your show is very funny. I want to give you an advice. I hope that…….. I agree with…. Everybody in your group takes part in the show. Especically---- has done a very good job. Your pronumciation is very good. You speak very fluency. Your spoken English is very good. I hope you can pay attention to your…… ---speaks too little English. I how you can speak more English next time. Your map is beautiful. The design is new. The picture is beautiful. I like it very much. I can’t see your map clearly. Next time, I hope you can write it clearly. Your show is too short. I hope you can say more about this topic. Your show is too common. I hope you can have your special way to present your show.
思维导图汇报评价表 1 小组人人参与,站姿端正,精神状态好。
2 小组成员声音响亮,汇报流利清晰。
3 小组汇报有自己独特的展现方式。
4 小组能根据课文内容作拓展,不少于 8 句话。
5 思维导图清晰,设计新颖,图画美观。
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