发布时间:2021-12-24 15:42:15
The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.
First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008? It needs us to try and practice very hard.
Second, traffic jams have been an age-old headache in Beijing, the scenes of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark fumes into the air had given all of us a really bad impression, and I know that none of us wish to show off that side of Beijing to athletes and journalists over the world, it would blemish the city’s image and leave a bad reputation. So we have to work real hard on Green Olympics.
Thirdly, to add enchantment to convenience, an over-all city planning is indispensable. If time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristics, blending oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower a lot among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.
Even though, Beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level that the world expects, but we have the confidence to make Beijing a brand new city by the year 2008. Huge changes are taking places, and not far in the future, Beijing will be the focus of all worlds’ attention. The world trusts Beijing and that’s why Beijing won the bid. We will grasp this opportunity and do our best. We are not yet ready but we will be by the year 2008.
Let’s all wish the best for the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. Thanks for your listening
相关热词搜索: 我与 中学生 演讲 奥运 中英对照
The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.
First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008? It needs us to try and practice very hard.
Second, traffic jams have been an age-old headache in Beijing, the scenes of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark fumes into the air had given all of us a really bad impression, and I know that none of us wish to show off that side of Beijing to athletes and journalists over the world, it would blemish the city’s image and leave a bad reputation. So we have to work real hard on Green Olympics.
Thirdly, to add enchantment to convenience, an over-all city planning is indispensable. If time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristics, blending oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower a lot among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.
Even though, Beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level that the world expects, but we have the confidence to make Beijing a brand new city by the year 2008. Huge changes are taking places, and not far in the future, Beijing will be the focus of all worlds’ attention. The world trusts Beijing and that’s why Beijing won the bid. We will grasp this opportunity and do our best. We are not yet ready but we will be by the year 2008.
Let’s all wish the best for the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. Thanks for your listening
相关热词搜索: 我与 中学生 演讲 奥运 中英对照
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