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发布时间:2022-02-22 15:09:44 浏览数:



中图分类号:TV42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0042-06

Research on Alkali Reaction of Aggregate Produced by Lingdang Stockyard

WANG Shao-jiang1,MA Feng-ling1,Wang Xiu-jun1,Bian Qiu-pu2

(1.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China;2.Construction and Administration Bureau of Middle Route Project in South-to-North Water Diversion,Beijing 100053,China)

Abstract:This article presents on ASR results of natural sand and gravel samples produced by Lingdong stockyard which supplying aggregates for construction of Caohe Project in the Middle Route Project for South-to-North Water Transfer.On petrographic facies test,gravel sample mainly consists of quartz,albite,dolomite,and minor biotite;and sand sample is mainly made up of quartz and albite; and as an important ASR active mineral,chalcedony contains in fractures of dolomite and exists in matrix of cherty limestone.In rapid mortar bar test,expansivities of sand,small gravel and middle gravel at 14 day are less than 0.1%,but keep increasing in long term.Synthesized previous results,the natural sand and gravel samples should be treat as ASR active aggregates,and effectively inhibitive measrues MUST applied,Mixing 20%-25% fly ash in cement could effectively inhibit ASR of the aggregates.Dolomite in the aggregates is not active in ACR test.

Key words:concrete;aggregates;alkali-silica reaction (ASR);alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR)





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