中图分类号:TB133 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1683(2008)01-0134-04
Abrasive Erosion Pattern Analysis for Impeller Blades of a Slurry Pump Used in Sand Dredging
GENG Fu-ming1,LI Yong-shun1,Zzhang Yao2,XU Hong-yuan2,LUO Xian-wu2
(1.Shandong Engineering Research Center for Water Regulating,Ji"nan 250013,China;
2.State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
Abstract:The abrasive erosion pattern of the impeller blades of a used slurry pump is investigated by macro observation,and analyzed by SEM method.The relation between the flow conditions and material surface abrasive erosion of the pump impeller has been studied.It is noted that the microstructure of the blade material much affects the abrasive erosion pattern and erosive wear mechanism.The results obtained in the present research provide valuable references to these further works such as the development of sand dredging equipments and materials,anti-erosion design,and etc.
Key words:slurry pump;blades;abrasive;pattern analysis
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