The applicability research of TVGM model in arid and semiarid watersheds of Liaoning Province
WANG Qiang1,XIA Jun1,2,SHE Dunxian1,WANG Fudong3,SUN Yuhua3
1.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;3.Hydrological Bureau of Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110003,China)
Natural watershed is a typical complex open system,and the tempospatial variation of hydrological elements is highly nonlinear especially in arid and semiarid watersheds.Therefore,focusing on the nonlinear relationship between rainfall and runoff in arid and semiarid watersheds,this paper applied the Time Variant Gain Model (TVGM),GR4J,Total Linear Response Model(TLR),and Linear Perturbation Model(LPM) to simulate the daily streamflow in Liaoning Province,China.We compared the application effects of the four models in terms of two accuracy measures to investigate the applicability of these four models in the simulation of rainfall and runoff in arid and semiarid watersheds.The results showed that the TVGM model was the best choice,followed by the GR4J model,whereas the two linear models performed poorly in the hydrological simulation of arid and semiarid watersheds in Liaoning Province.The TVGM model introduced the time variant gain factor and considered the key factors (e.g.,watershed wetness and rainfall intensity) of runoff generation.It presented much more satisfying results than the other models during the calibration and validation periods.This is the characteristic and application value of TVGM model.
Key words:
TVGM model;GR4J model;TLR model;LPM model;rainfallrunoff simulation
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