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[摘要] 目的 研究急性白血病(AL)伴混合系列白血病(MLL)基因易位和擴增的临床特点。

方法 初治成人AL病人112例,取其骨髓细胞经24 h短期培养,常规方法制备染色体标本,R显带行染色体核型分析;使用位点特异性识别(LSI)11q23/MLL双色分离DNA探针行间期荧光原位杂交(FISH),对异常信号者行中期FISH确定11q23/MLL异常。分析MLL基因易位和扩增者临床特征。

结果 FISH显示112例AL病人中9例(8.04%)存在11q23/MLL基因易位,8例(7.14%)存在MLL基因扩增。两者显示相似的临床特点:髓外浸润发生率高,对细胞毒药物敏感性低,治疗后早期复发率高,生存期短,预后不良。病人通常诊断为B-祖细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病、急性单核细胞白血病或双表型急性白血病。急性淋巴细胞白血病高表达CD34,急性髓系白血病高表达CD117、CD56、CD11b和CD64并有明显骨髓病态造血。MLL基因扩增病人发病年龄较大、外周血白细胞计数较低,有更明显的病态造血。

结论 11q23/MLL基因易位和扩增的成人AL病人具有相似的临床特点,MLL基因在AL发病中为功能获得性异常。

[关键词] 白血病,双表型,急性;易位,遗传;基因扩增

[中图分类号] R733.71

[文献标志码] A

[文章编号]  2096-5532(2019)06-0679-06




ZHAO Xichen, SUN Xiaoyun, YI Li′an, ZHAO Li, JU Bo, ZHAO Hongguo

(Department of Hematology, Qingdao West Coast New Area Central Hospital, Qingdao, 266555, China)

[ABSTRACT] Objective To investigate the clinical features of acute leukemia (AL) with mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene translocations or amplifications.

Methods Bone marrow cells were collected from 112 previously untreated adult patients with AL, and then cultured for a short period of 24 h followed by conventional chromosome preparation. The R-banding technique was applied for karyotype analysis. Interphase-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to detect gene abnormalities using the locus-specific identifier 11q23/MLL dual-color break-apart probe. Abnormal signals of the 11q23/MLL screened out by interphase-FISH would be further determined by metaphase-FISH. The clinical features of the patients with MLL translocations or amplifications were analyzed.

Results The 11q23/MLL translocations were observed in 9 cases (8.04%) and MLL amplifications in 8 cases (7.14%) of all the 112 AL patients according to FISH. There were similar clinical features between the patients with 11q23/MLL translocations and those with 11q23/MLL amplifications: a high incidence of extramedullary infiltration, a low sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs, a high early recurrence rate after treatment, a short survival time, and a poor prognosis. The patients with MLL gene abnormalities were frequently diagnosed with B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia, or biphenotypic acute leukemia. A high expression of CD34 was observed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, while a high expression of CD117, CD56, CD11b, and CD64 along with obvious dysplasia was observed in acute myeloid leukemia. The patients with MLL amplifications had an older age of onset, a relatively low white blood cell count, and more obvious dysplasia.

相关热词搜索: 易位 扩增 白血病 基因 临床