[摘要]目的 探讨新生儿脐带消毒与局部清洁干燥引起脐部感染的情况。方法 选取2015年4~9月我院出生的824例新生儿,随机分为A、B两组,A组断脐前给予70%乙醇消毒脐带,B组使用无菌生理盐水清洁并保持干燥。对比两组新生儿脐部感染和脐带残端脱落及愈合情况。结果 A组脐部感染2例,而B组1例,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);脐带残端脱落时及脐部愈合时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 新生儿断脐前局部清洁并保持干燥可预防脐部感染,其效果与70%乙醇消毒相同,可广泛应用。
[中图分类号] R473.72 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)06(a)-0173-03
[Abstract]Objective To explore the conditions of neonatal umbilical cord disinfection and local clean and dry leading to umbilical infection.Methods From April to September in 2015,824 neonates born in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into group A and B.In group A,70% alcohol disinfection for umbilical cord was used before cutting,while in group B,sterile saline to clean and maintaining dry was used.The umbilical infection in neonates, and falling and healing of stump of umbilical cord were compared in the two groups.Results There were 2 cases with umbilical infection in group A,and one in group B,which was not in significant difference (P>0.05).Time of stump of umbilical cord falling and healing in the two groups was not in great difference (P>0.05).Conclusion Local clean and keeping dry before cutting off umbilical cord for neonate can prevent umbilical infection in hospital, and the effect is similar to that by 70% alcohol disinfection,which can be widely used in hospital.
[Key words]Umbilical cord disinfection;Umbilicalitis;Neonate;Hospital
A组在新生儿出生后断脐前给予70%乙醇消毒脐带,B组给予无菌生理盐水局部清洁,两组脐部使用气门芯距脐带根部约1 cm处结扎两道,两道之间距离约为1 cm,助产士带无菌手套并使用无菌剪刀断脐,暴露脐带残端并保持干燥。
采用SPSS 17.0统计学软件对数据进行分析,计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
本研究中B组给予无菌生理盐水局部清洁并保持干燥,结果显示411例新生儿并未发生脐部感染,其原因可能与清除局部分泌物及血液,减少致病微生物的感染机会,但并不影响正常菌群的定植有关。目前我国医院分娩室中,多数空气细菌菌落数在≤5 CFU/m3,助产士带无菌手套并使用无菌剪刀,并保持新生儿脐带断端干燥,可以阻断致病微生物的传染源[21-23]。此外,母乳喂养提供给新生儿各种抗体,降低脐部感染的发生,因此,本研究显示医院内新生儿分娩后断脐前使用无菌生理盐水清洁并保持干燥,并不增加脐部感染的机会。
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(收稿日期:2016-03-28 本文编辑:顾雪菲)
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