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发布时间:2022-10-22 12:30:32 浏览数:

摘 要:对塔城地区草原蝗灾现状进行了叙述,回顾了近年来蝗灾发生的危害及特点,总结了蝗灾发生的自然基础和人为因素,归纳了当前控制蝗灾方面的技术手段并对其效果进行分析评价。文章认为当前蝗灾多发的根源在于人为和自然因素造成的草原生态环境的急剧恶化,指出当下防控工作的关键在于保护和恢复草原生态以消除蝗灾发生的生态基础,大力加强蝗灾预警能力,同时注重加强与邻国的蝗情信息共享。


中图分类号:S433.2 文献标志码:E 论文编号:2013-0348

The Current Situation of the Grassland Locusts and the Strategies for Prevention and Treatment

in the Border Area of Tacheng Region, Xinjiang

Ha Maer1, Han Xiaohu2

(1Forecast and Control Station About Plague of Locusts and Rats of Tacheng Region of Xinjiang,

Tacheng, 834700l, Xinjiang, China;

2College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agriculture University, Shengyang, 110161, Liaoning, China)

Abstract: This article has carried on the narration about the present situation of grassland locust plague in Tacheng region, which has reviewed hazards and characteristics of locust plague occurred in recent years, summarized the natural foundation and man-made factors of locust’s occurrence, and concluded the current locust control technology and evaluated their effectiveness. The article believed that the frequency of current locust plague was rooted in man-made and natural factors which have caused a sharp deterioration of grassland ecological environment, pointing out that the present prevention and control work was the key to protect and restore the grassland ecology so as to eliminate ecological foundation of locusts occurrence, making great effort to strengthen the locust plague’s early warning capabilities, and at the same time, paying attention to sharing information with our neighboring states about the plague of locusts.

Key words: Tacheng Region; Border Area; Grassland Locusts; Actuality; Countermeasure

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1 蝗虫发生情况及危害现状

1.1 草地适宜蝗虫孳生,导致蝗灾频繁发生

塔城地区边境线长、面广,地形地貌复杂,草地类型多样。有高山、低山、丘陵、平原、湖泊;分布有高寒草甸、草甸、草甸草原、草原、荒漠化草原、草原化荒漠、荒漠、低地草甸草原等草地类型。中方一侧有甘家湖和库鲁斯台等大面积芦苇草场,是亚洲飞蝗(Locusta migratoria L.)的适宜栖息地[5-6];而哈方一侧有阿拉湖和斋桑湖2个大湖泊,湖的周边是高大茂密的芦苇低湿地草场,成为亚洲飞蝗的最佳孳生地,为蝗虫高发、频发创造了有利的自然环境条件。据统计,从1970—2012年的42年间里,中哈边境地区草地每年都有不同程度的蝗害发生,形成3~5年一大发,8~10年一暴发的局面。

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