摘 要:駱越文化是中华文化的重要源头之一。武鸣被认为是骆越先民建立地方政权——骆越方国的政治和文化中心,是中华文明发祥地之一。在国家认同的路径上,居住在武鸣的壮族充分挖掘和利用自身具备的丰富考古资料和民间传说故事、龙母遗址、文化遗存等资源,走出了一条与众不同的路径。当地壮族人不仅在口头上传承有关骆越古国龙母信仰的传说故事,更在日常生活中以及文化宣传上有意识地重建和弘扬骆越文化,强化骆越先民为中华民族、为国家创造出辉煌灿烂的文化这一思想,加深民族自豪感和国家认同感;再以三月三、四月四等龙母信仰与崇拜的节日实践活动,作为骆越文化传承发展的重要载体,加深壮族对骆越古国、骆越古都辉煌历史的了解和认识,强化自身的文化正统性,从而实现民族认同与国家认同高度统一的目标。
Luo Yue Ancient Country Site and the Source of Chinese Culture:
the Path of National Identity for Zhuang Nationals
LUO Caijuan
(College of Ethnology and Sociology Guangxi University of Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi, 530006,China)
Luo Yue culture is one of the important sources of Chinese culture, with Wu Ming considered as the political and cultural center of Luo Yue Fangguo established by ancestors of Luo Yue, one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. On the path of national identity, the Zhuang people living in Wuming have dug into and utilized their rich archaeological data and folklore stories, Long Mu sites, cultural relics and other resources to make it unique. The local Zhuang people not only inherited the oral legend about the faith in Long Mu in the ancient country of Luo Yue, but also consciously reconstructed and promoted the Luo Yue culture in daily life and cultural propaganda, to strengthen the thought that the ancestors of Luo Yue belonged to the Chinese nation and that they created glorious and splendid culture for the Chinese nation, deepening the sense of national pride and national identity. Through the festival practice activities of the faith in and the worship of in Long Mu on March 3rd and April 4th which are regarded as important carriers of the inheritance and development of Luo Yue culture, the knowledge amd understanding of the glorious history of Luo Yue ancient capital and country is deepened, their own cultural legitimacy is strengthened and thereby achieving the goal of a high degree of integrity between ethnic identity and national identity.
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