Troupe’s 30 Years of Dedication to Children
By Xu Zhongyou
Zhejiang Children’s Art Theater celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2018. On the afternoon of May 5, the troupe launched a Children’s Theater Festival at the troupe’s theater on Hushu Road in downtown Hangzhou.
The children’s art theaters from all over the country sent representatives to attend the anniversary celebration and watched plays performed in celebration of the 30th anniversary, including some plays staged by troupes from other parts of the country.
At the celebration ceremony on May 5, the Zhejiang Children’s Art Theater staged , a play based on , a German fairytale collected by the Brothers Grim. The performance brought down the house.
Other plays performed in the anniversary celebration included , , staged respectively by China Children’s Art Theater, Tianjin Children’s Art Theater, and Qingdao Children’s Art Theater. , the last play of the festival, was performed by the troupe in Zhejiang on June 3.
Zhejiang Children’s Art Theater was officially founded in 1988. The idea about setting up a children’s theater in the province came about in 1982. That year, Zhejiang Drama Troupe performed at a festival for plays for children held in Jiangxi, a neighboring province. Cheng Weijia, the troupe leader, did a survey on his own and learned that there were 21 children’s troupes across the country. Zhejiang Drama Troupe was the only adult troupe. Cheng thought it was a regretful situation for Zhejiang, a province with 8 million children then. After the festival, a group of experts specialized in children’s play visited Zhejiang and proposed that Zhejiang set up the 22nd children’s art theater in the country.
It took six years for the troupe to come into being. Zhou Xianzhen, Qian Yongming, and Qiu Zhigang were appointed to do all the preliminary work for setting the troupe up. Gu Tiangao, Zhou’s husband who had worked as director of Zhejiang Drama Troupe and director of Art Department of Zhejiang Culture Administration, later joined the task force. The four worked hard to raise funds.
With the support from all over the city, Zhejiang Children’s Troupe was unveiled at a ceremony held at Xinqiao Hotel on April 12, 1988. The Cultural Minister Wang Meng sent a congratulatory inscription for the birth of the troupe. Provincial leaders attended the unveiling ceremony. The founding was covered in the media.
The troupe’s artists were largely from Zhejiang Drama Troupe, Zhejiang Peking Opera Troupe, and Zhejiang Yueju Opera Troupe. The troupe also eolled youngsters from the Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Center and a performing art school. The troupe created quite a few original plays. Some of them were performed hundreds of times and one won a top government award in 1995.
In the past 30 years, Zhejiang Children’s Art Theater has created and staged over 30 plays. Some plays are adaptations from primary school textbooks. Some of them are now in the troupe’s repertoire. , a science-fiction play, was performed 105 times in the first six months after its debut. In the second year, it was performed 272 times, attracting an audience of 250,000. It was a sensational record in the country’s children entertainment industry.
In order to introduce children to excellent international works, the troupe has also adapted some international classics. , a play based on , was a huge blockbuster staged by the troupe. It was performed 930 times across the country and won a special award from the Ministry of Culture. A few years ago, the troupe came up with a new version and renamed it . it has been extremely popular with children.
In the past 30 years, the troupe has staged over 10,000 performances at home and abroad, including performances in Singapore, Germany and Belgium. It is worth mentioning that Zhejiang Children’s Art Theater also performed in Taiwan, the first of its kind in the island province.
Over the past three decades, the troupe has won numerous accolades and many artists of the troupe have won top national honors.
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