关键词: 草鱼;饵料;蛋糖比;生长性能;体组成;消化酶活性
中图分类号: S963.16 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1191(2016)05-0753-06
Abstract:【Objective】The present experiment was conducted to investigate effects of dietary protein to carbohydrate (P/CHO) ratio on growth performance, body composition and digestive enzymes activities of juvenile grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella), in order to provide reference basis for nutritional requirement of grass carp and its feed preparation.【Method】According to single-factor design, the dietary P/CHO ratio was used as influencing factor. Six isolipidic and isoenergetic feed were formulated, with various dietary P/CHO ratios(2.00, 1.50, 1.14, 0.88, 0.67 and 0.50). Fish were raised in several indoor aquarium tanks, and fed 3 times daily for 8 weeks. 【Result】The results showed that, the dietary P/CHO ratio had no significant effect on survival rate(P>0.05, the same below). However, the dietary P/CHO ratio had significant effect on final body weight, weight gain(WG) and specific growth rate(SGR)(P<0.05, the same below), and those indexes were first increased and then decreased with decreases of P/CHO ratio, and up to the highest values at P/CHO ratio of 0.88, respectively. Likewise, the feed conversion rate(FCR) was affected significantly by P/CHO ratio, and the lowest FCR(1.72) was found at dietary P/CHO ratio of 0.88. The protein efficiency ratio(PER), nitrogen retention efficiency(NRE), viscerosomatic index(VSI), hepatosomatic index(HIS) and intraperitoneal fat ratio(IPF) all were increased significantly with decreasing dietary P/CHO ratios. However, P/CHO ratio had no significant effect on whole-body and carcass protein and ash content. With decreasing dietary P/CHO ratios, whole-body moisture decreased significantly, while lipid content icreased significantly. The similar variation trends were also found in carcass moisture and lipid contents as well as liver lipid content. In addition, intestine protease and amylase activities increased first and then decreased with decreasing dietary P/CHO ratios, but lipase activities increased significantly. 【Conclusion】An increase in dietary carbohydrate has a protein-sparing effect, and the optimal dietary protein and carbohydrate contents for juvenile grass carp are 30.61% and 29.54%, respectively, with optimum dietary P/CHO ratio of 1.04. However, the excessive carbohydrate can increase weight of internal organs, and promote fatty deposits and glycogen synthesis.
相关热词搜索: 幼鱼 消化酶 草鱼 活性 比对热门文章:
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